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Attention All Residents of The Greens at Sunburst Hills.

The Township of East Brunswick has an ordinance related to parking of cars on streets during snow emergencies.  We encourage everyone to respect and obey the ordinance.  This will avoid receiving tickets and also contributes to the snow removal process operation more efficiently.  We furthermore encourage everyone to be patient and courteous with the all snow removal contractors both the Associations contractor and the Townships contractors.  We know everyone desires to have their snow removed promptly when the snow is no longer falling, but this is not possible.  We are not suggesting that you should not reach out to the Township if Allison Drive or Buttonwood Drive remains treacherous.  We are however asking your cooperation with the snow removal teams when they are in our community.  The snow must be removed from the street for the good of our community, this allows residents to take care of their needs and also equally important it allows first responders to reach residents in a timely manner.

Thank you for your cooperation, 
The Board of Trustees



I N F O R M A T I O N   B U L L E T I N

2008 - 2



February 16, 2008


Homeowners / Neighbors,


The Sunburst Hills Property Owners Association, Inc., Board of Trustees (the Board) is aware of a Security Sign on display outside eight (8) homes in our community ‘The Greens’ at Sunburst Hills and that these signs are on display 7 x 24 x 365/366.


The Board understands that these signs are displayed on the eight homeowners Lots every day, therefore are permanent sign and thus they are non-compliant with Article VIII Section 1d of the SHPOA, Inc., Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions which is as follows: No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot or improvements thereon except a one-family name sign of not more than 144 square inches or one temporary sign of not more than two square feet advertising the property for sale or rent.  No such sign shall be illuminated.


The Board also understands that homeowners want to feel as safe as possible in their homes as possible and some trend toward seeking out home-security systems for help. Therefore on December 1, 2007 / December 8, 2007 the Board passed Resolution 2007-04 (details provided on page 3).  This resolution offers creative solutions to the unique problem of formally introducing permanent security signage in ‘The Greens’ at Sunburst Hills Planning Unit Residential Development (P.U.R.D) community.  Our creative solutions amends the association’s governing documents and amicably transforms the existing eight non-compliant homeowner situations to an acceptable level of compliance.  The resolution also allows for other homeowners to apply for Board approval to place a security company’s signage on their property. 


Homeowners who are unfamiliar with security systems may not know exactly what to look for when choosing a system or provider.  The following tips provide some very high information on finding a home-security system.  These tips are provided for information only and in no way can be viewed as the Board promoting or recommending the need for a home-security system.



  • Ask for recommendations from the local Better Business Bureau, friends, relatives or potentially your neighbors
  • Ask about installation to insure that the providers has adequate skilled installers and are able to meet your installation timeline or equally important that once the system is installed in the event you have a service failure they are able to quickly respond to your out of service situation
  • Ask about response time to insure that the provider response to a breech of security call is within your acceptable levels
  • Ask about their hiring process to insure that they have a solid screening process of potential employees and that they take steps to ensure that employees are sharing confidential homeowner information with only those that have a well defined need to know  


So What is the Signage Approval Process?

Send an email to

Provide the following information:

  • Name of your home security system provider
  • Your acceptance of the following security sign or security sticker rules
    • A homeowner can have either a security sign or security sticker
      • A maximum of one (1) security sign displayed externally on the property
      • Sign must not exceed 10 inches by 10 inches in size and cannot be illuminated
      • Sign must be located no more than three (3) feet from the front wall of the dwelling
    • A homeowner can have a maximum of two (2) security stickers displayed in their home.
      • Stickers must not exceed 5 inches by 5 inches in size and cannot be illuminated
      • One sticker can be positioned in a first floor front window and a second sticker can be positioned on a first floor exit door

The Board will respond to your signage approval email with an approval or denial within three (3) business days of receipt. 


Board Reminder Note:

The Board does not promote, recommend or approve your home-security system or provider.  Our approval is 100 percent of the provider’s signage; that it is compliant with specifications presented in Resolution 2007-04.


Resolution 2007-04 (Res. 2007-04):  The Board of Trustees of SHPOA, Inc., acknowledges that Article VIII Section 1d of the Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions states that there shall be only one (1) temporary sign on any Lot of not more than two square feet advertising the property for sale or rent.  The Board further acknowledges that during the “mid 2000” a few homes have introduced one (1) permanent sign advertising that the property has security coverage provided by a named security firm.  Therefore effective December 1, 2007:

  1. The Board of Trustees as its first task approves the granting of security sign variance to homeowners with security coverage signs that are non-compliant with Article VIII Section 1d.  This variance allows existing signs to be grandfathered.  The Board must also perform the following actions no later than March 31, 2008:
    • Send letters to each homeowner that has a security sign currently displayed announcing the granting of a variance
    • Publish a bulletin to the community advising that all homeowners must request approval from the board to display a security signs.
  2. The Board of Trustees must thereupon, as its second task prior to March 31, 2008 must define:
    • The shape, height, materials and location for future security signs
    • The number of signs which can be displayed


Res 2007-04 Amendment:  In order to ensure the fulfillment of Res 2007-04, the SHPOA Board of Trustees on December 8, 2008 defined the following:

  • A homeowner can have either a security sign or security sticker
  • A homeowner can have a maximum of one (1) security sign displayed externally on the property
    • Sign must not exceed 10 inches by 10 inches in size and cannot be illuminated
    • Sign must be located no more than three (3) feet from the front wall of the dwelling
  • A homeowner can have a maximum of two (2) security stickers displayed in their home.
    • Stickers must not exceed 5 inches by 5 inches in size and cannot be illuminated
One sticker can be positioned in a first floor front window and a second sticker can be positioned on a first floor exit door



I N F O R M A T I O N   B U L L E T I N
2008 -1

February  2008

Homeowners / Neighbors,

East Brunswick Township has historically approved the unsolicited delivery of complimentary newspapers and sales papers to all township residences as Lot distribution items.  Consequently every week the Sentinel newspaper and one or more sales papers will appear on all homeowner’s lawns in ‘The Greens’ at Sunburst Hills community.  Once delivered, these items are the responsibility of each lot owner.

The East Brunswick Township (EB Township) officials and The Sunburst Hills Property Owners Association, Inc., Board of Trustees (the Board) expect that these items will be removed from homeowner lots within a reasonable time i.e., 24 hours.   Failure to do so on a consistent basis trends towards the following results:

  1. Creation of litter that is not recycled and has the potential for being washed into storm drains which can lead to clogged drains and extra maintenance expenses
  2. Creation of paper clutter which potentially signals that a home is currently not occupied and may become a target for burglary activities

None of the above mentioned results has a positive ending. Therefore the Board is strongly encouraging all homeowners to become more diligent in the prompt removal of the newspapers, sales papers and other hand delivery items from your Property (lawns, sidewalks, doors, etc,). 

Failure to promptly remove these items can lead to warning letter from both the Board and EB Township.  Consistent repeat offenders may also receive a fine from EB Township.

The Board of Trustees

Sunburst Hills Property Owners Association