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2012 Annual General Meeting and Elections of the
Sunburst Hills Property Owners Association, Inc.
Date: December 19, 2012
Time: 7:30PM
Location: Pine Street Fire House, East Brunswick, NJ 08816


  • Sam Murphy, President; Veronica Wenz, Vice-president; Joram Freudenfels, Treasurer; Sonia Giscombe, Secretary; Jean Norland, Fifth board Member; and Larry Sachs, Association Lawyer
  • Attendance was low. In addition to the five (5) board officials, four (4)homeowners signed the attendance sheet

Meeting started at 7:32 PM.

The meeting was brought to order by the president who proceeded to introduce the other members of the board, including Attorney Sachs. The President then:

  • Quickly reviewed the agenda, pointing out that board member elections and budget voting was one of the key objectives for tonight’s meetings
  • Announced that a number of homeowners had returned their absentee ballots and that the Board appreciates their actions. The Board always welcomes seeing our neighbors at the annual meetings but we also understand that others factors sometimes precludes their attendances.

Thereafter followed a review of the past year's (2012) accomplishments and occurrences; always aiming to stay within financial status afforded by the dues paid by the homeowners and the occasional fines imposed on infractions to the rules and regulations of the Association.

1. The drainage swale extending behind the homes with addresses of 4 Buttonwood Drive through 30 Buttonwood Drive was reviewed and a Capital Repairs Remediation Project was completed during July 2012
a. The swale had become incompetent due to blockage from grass, tree roots, stones and soil erosion from rain water that came from both Associaiton owned undeveloped property and homeowner properties.
b. This created flooding in the backyards of the homes on the lower section of Buttonwood Drive.
c. The cost for this project is listed on the 4th Quarter 2012 Quarterly Report as Capital Repairs July 2012 Swale
2. The original wood retaining wall behind 50 Buttonwood Drive was replaced with a brick retaining wall, thus creating a stronger and more stable structure.
a. The wood retaining wall installed by the developer (circa 1983) had eroded over the years. The business plan is that when the wooden walls reach end of life, the prudent next step is to replace with a stone structure that is more durable and trends towards less maintenance and a longer life expectancy.
b. The cost for this project is listed on the 4th Quarter 2012 Quarterly Report as Capital Repairs July 2012 Retaining Wall Behind 50B
3. A ruptured drainage pipe located between 50 Buttonwood Drive and 52 Buttonwood Drive had to be repaired and also connected to the new stone wall 50 Buttonwood Drive for better water management created by rain run off from Association undeveloped property
a. The cost for this project is listed on the 4th Quarter 2012 Quarterly Report as Capital Repairs August 2012 Drainage Pipe Behind 50B & 52B
4. Hurricane Sandy and the Noreasterner that followed created significnat tree damage. This was unexpected and costly. Nonetheless it had to be taken care of. Total expenditure for this clean-up was in excess of $15,000 which included approximately $1200 in State of NJ sales tax.
a. The Association’s insurance policy was scrutinized closely for possible funds, but it is a liability policy with no property casualty provision coverage.
b. Board officials also visited with FEMA representatives in Sayerville, NJ. FEMA represetatives informed board officials that the Association was not a local government therefore would only qualified for a small business loan at a 3% rate. Board officials declined to take out a loan which would need to be repaid with either higher dues, or special allocaitons to each homeowner.
c. The cost for Sandy Clean-up projects are listed on the 4th Quarter 2012 Quarterly Report as:
i. Super Storm Sandy Tree Removal – CEMM, Inc.
ii. Super Storm Sandy Tree Removal – Nik’s Landcaping
5. Liens were levied against property of those homeowners delinquent in the payment of their association dues. There is legal work in progress to collect the outstanding dues.
6. No major projects are planned or need to be completed for 2013, just everyday upkeep and maintenance of ‘The Greens’.
7. Homeowners from 7 Allison Drive raised a question about the 2012 irrigation system plans in the area between their home and 9 Allison Drive. Board officials explained that the quote to repair the irrigation system in this area exceeded funding. Board officials made a strategic decision to rely on rain as the primary water source for this area. Board officials did agree to have a conversation with the homeowners in spring 2013 about the potential of using alternative watering options.
8. 2012 Home Inspection reports were mailed during July – August. We hope that those homeowners that had area of improvement listed will invest in curing their problem, thereby avoiding the board’s need to exercise Article VII Maintenance and Repairs of the Association’s Master Agreement.

TREASURERS’ FINANCIAL REPORT: In view of the depressed economy and increasing costs for just about everything, Joram (our Treasurer) with the assistance of Sam (the President), have scrimped and repurposed approved available operating budget and capital replacement funds whenever possible, to meet the financial needs of the Association. This process was a business strategy for avoiding raising annual dues and also to avoid imposing additional allocation to cover costly, unexpected expenditures.

SERVICES PROVIDERS FOR 2013: Grounds Keeping, Irrigation, Legal Services, Accounting Services and Large Tree Removal will be provided by small business that served the Association during 2012. A list of these service providers will be provided to homeowners if requested in writing by sending an email to

ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS AND APPROVAL OF THE 2013 BUDGET: There were no questions from the floor related to any of the President’s comments, the proposed 2013 budget or for any of the candidates running for election.


The election portion of the meeting followed:

  • There were thirty five (35) absentee ballots.
  • All the ballots were counted by Attorney Sachs.
  • Sam Murphy, President was re-elected with a total of 44 votes.
  • Joram Freudenfels, Treasurer was re-elected with a total of 44 votes.
  • The budget was adopted with 42 ‘yes’ votes. There was 1 (one) ‘no’ vote and 1 (one) abstain

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.


Annual Meeting Minutes
for the
Sunburst Hills Property Owners Association, Inc. (SHPOA, Inc.)

November 17, 2009
Location:  Pine Street Fire House, East Brunswick, NJ
Time: 7:30 PM     
Purpose: General annual meeting of SHPOA homeowners to update on

  • Completed 2009 projects
  • Suggested projects for 2010
  • Elect board members and approve 2010 budget
  • Homeowner Q&A of board candidates
  • Homeowner Q&A for the board related to Association owned  property maintenance or improvement

Board of Trustees:
President, Sam Murphy; Vice-president, Veronica Wenz; Treasurer, Joram Freudenfels; Secretary, Sonia Giscombe; 5th member Barbara Greenstein
Association lawyer: Justin Black
Homeowner members: 35

Meeting Proceedings:
The meeting was brought to order by the president at 7:40PM (allowing for stragglers).

The first 10 minutes of the meeting was dedicated to the homeowners introducing themselves and telling how long they have lived at the Greens.

The president gave an overall view on the health/happenings of the community: (1) 14 renter occupied homes; (2) Two (2) homes for sale; (3) several delinquent dues account; (4) negotiations with contractors for best prices in view of pending price increases; (5) maintaining insurance liability intact by adhering to the demands of the insurance company in regard to the maintenance of the common grounds; (6) informing new homeowners and tenants of the rules and regulations of the community by supplying them with a copy of the Blue Book which contains the provisos by which this community operates; (7) maintaining the homeowners and  oftentimes the tenants informed on the happenings in the community by frequently updating the Association’s web site, mailings, and posters; and (8) striving to provide answers to requests/questions within 72hrs by e-mail or USPS mailings.

The Vice-president updated all in detail on the completed lawn irrigation system which was newly installed and opened under budget on June 3, 2009. We were further informed that Allison Drive is to follow suit in 2011-2012 depending on estimate and moneys in the budget. Already a walk through has taken place two (2) weeks ago in anticipation of the work to be done.

The secretary spoke shortly on the purpose and need for the home inspection, nothing new.

The 5th member, our liaison with the Township, followed by informing us that: (1) on the last inspection of the sewers by the township, it was found that residents are dumping such things as paint, concrete, dog poop and other non-biodegradable items down the sewer.   (2) Permits are needed not only for newly installed roofs, decks, fences and sheds, but also for any changes of these items. These permits are necessary for uniformity, safety and code. (3) We are on a long waiting list (approx. 2 yrs.) for the streets to be paved. As per the township this is done in order of need, depending on the severity of the condition of the streets.

Next, the treasurer apprised us of the moneys in the budget. The Association’s money source is from the mandatory quarterly dues of each homeowner, house closing administrative fees, penalties/fines of infractions to the rules and regulations committed by homeowners/tenants, and interest earned from capital reserve funds/investments. The values as of November 17, 2009 for each of the Association’s bank account will be provided in the minutes mailed to each to homeowners via USPS mail.

There followed a period for questions and answers from the floor for information and clarification of the happenings and future plans for the community. Main concern of everyone in the vicinity of Sunburst Drive was the effect of the relatively newly erected blue garage on Everton Drive. on their property values. This situation, we sadly informed them, was a Township matter. Other Homeowner member issues raised included:

  • Emergency asphalt repair for Buttonwood East Parking Lot
  • Feasibility of installing solar lights in Buttonwood East and West Parking Lots
  • Association usage of the web for posting of Request for Proposals, Request for Quotes, BIDS for property maintenance / improvement projects

 Mr. Vishal Madam of 12 Buttonwood Drive, on the ballot for Vice-president and Mr. Neeraj K. Singh of 104 Buttonwood Drive, on the ballot for Secretary were asked to sit up front and the floor was opened for questions to the candidates.

The voting phase was accomplished towards the end of the meeting:

The term of office for all SHPOA board members expires this year. With this in mind and for purpose of continuity, homeowners are being asked to vote to extend the office of president (Sam Murphy) and treasurer (Joram Freudenfels) for an additional year.

Voting followed with one ballot per household. A homeowner from Buttonwood Drive and one (1) from Allison Drive volunteered to count the absentee ballots, supervised by the Association’s lawyer. Homeowners delinquent in their Association dues were exempt from voting.

Voting Results:
Board of Trustees:
Sam Murphy – President........... 48

Joram Freudenfels – Treasurer........... 47

Ronnie Wenz – Vice President........... 43

Vishal Madan – Vice President........... 36

Sonia Giscombe – Secretary........... 41

Neeraj K. Singh– Secretary........... 35

Barbara Greenstein – 5th Officer........... 47

Jeanna Luk – Undeclared........... 13


2010 Budget....................... 56-Yes/14-No

Extend the term of the current
President (Sam Murphy)
Treasurer (Joram Freudenfels)
....................... 52-Yes/26 No

The ballots were tabulated by:
Jay Giller from Allison Drive
Roberta Karpel from Buttonwood Drive
Justin Black Esq. Attorney for the Association

The general meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM

November, 17th 2009 Election Results

Sam Murphy – President....................... 48

Joram Freudenfels – Treasurer....................... 47

Ronnie Wenz – Vice President....................... 43

Vishal Madan – Vice President....................... 36

Sonia Giscome – Secretary....................... 41

Neeraj k. Sing – Secretary....................... 35

Barbara Greenstein – 5th Officer....................... 47

Jeanna Luk – Undeclared....................... 13

2010 Budget....................... 56-Yes/14-No

Extend the term of the current
President (Sam Murphy)
Treasurer (Joram Freudenfels)....................... 52-Yes/26 No

The ballots were tabulated by:
Jay Giller from Allison Drive
Roberta Karpel from Buttonwood Drive

Justin Black Esq. Attorney for the Board

Sunburst Hills Property Owners, Association, Inc., Annual Meeting Minutes October 28, 2008

October 28, 2008
Location:  Pine Street Fire House, East Brunswick, NJ

Attendance:  All board members were present.  Homeowner member attendance was low (11); homeowner member absentee voting returned (30).  The annual meeting for 2008 was move to October based on the following rationale: 

  1. The days are still somewhat longer
  2. There are no major holidays
  3. The weather is still somewhat favorable

The board will rethink the annual meeting date for 2009.

Meeting was called to order by Sam Murphy, Board of Trustee President at 7:45 PM.  He covered some of the projects completed during 2008 among which were the community identity signs, parking lot sealing and crack filling, tree and lawn maintenance.  This topic and projects covered was considered closed by attendees.

Barbara Greenstein, 5th Board member, gave an update on the status of interfacing with EB Township DPW and DPW community projects.  Inspections of community storm drains were done by the township.  Our drains are in fair conditions compared to others elsewhere in the township.  Any needed repair and maintenance will be completed at future dates based on DPW resource availability.  The township did perform some drain work during September 2008, which included cleaning of drains in the Buttonwood West parking lot and also the placement of EB Township medallions on each drain advising ownership and informing others to not place solid waste material into the drains.  DPW interface and drain work project is open/ongoing.

Sonia Giscombe, Board of Trustee Secretary provided an update on the 2008 Home Inspection project.  The homes overall are well maintained except for some discrepancies/violations.  Uniformity and maintenance of property values are the primary aim for the home inspections.  Home Inspection project is ongoing.

Joram Freudenfels, Board of Trustee Treasurer reviewed the proposed 2009 operating budget and funds on hand in the various Association operating and capital improvement accounts.  A short discussion on line items in the proposed 2009 budget followed; led by homeowner Julie Wong.  Julie wanted to be reassured that given the current economic crisis, the board had made a through review of the budget for areas where cost could be removed.  Julie also provided feedback to the board on areas where we could improve our budget presentation to the community. The board assured all homeowner attendees that we had worked with our various service contractors to obtain most favorable prices and would continue this approach as a normal course of operation.  Therefore, after a vote was taken to approve the 2009 operating budget.   Two (2) homeowner members of the audience volunteered to count the absentee ballots.  The absentee ballots and attendees voting were favorable for the approval of the 2009 operating budget. (38 yes votes 3 no votes) Item is closed.

Ronnie Wenz, Board of Trustees Vice President provided a report on the Board’s assessment of the current Association owned lawn sprinkler system, and plans for improving the operational availability and maintainability of this system.  A copy of the report may be obtained by email request from the association.  The lawn sprinkler system project is open/ongoing.

Open session for homeowner feedback was the final event of the evening.  Homeowner questions and concerns were raised:

  1. Dues Increases – the board advised that there were no current plans to increase dues during 2009.  The Board did advise that we understand there is economic hardship throughout the world and we would strive to not add incremental burden to our constituents.
  2. Compliance with Association / blue books directives especially with payment of dues on time and the execution of home liens – the board advised that a document was mailed to each homeowner in August 2009 describing the dues payment process, how funds would be applied when their were outstanding balance, and in general the process which could lead to a homeowner having a lien placed on their home.  The board does not desire to burden homeowners with liens, but we must operate the Association using best business practices which insure that all members’ equity in the Association is protected and the
    Association is able to operate and pay its bills.
  3. Compliance of townhomes’ garbage pick-up placement – the Board advised that the DPW and the Board are in full agreement that the EP Township solid waste and recycling contractor trucks are not to enter the Association owned parking lots; and that townhomes’ solid waste and recycling pick-ups must be placed in designated parking island locations.  There are no exceptions except that townhome owners can work out alternative arrangements with their twin home neighbors for placement of their solid waste and recycling cans in front of the twin homes property, but this is strictly a one-one arrangement between two (2) neighbors, i.e., the board is not a party to any of these discussions or arrangements.
  4. Parking availability – the Board reconfirmed that parking in the Association owned parking lots is on a first come-first served basis, i.e., no assigned spots. 
  5. Installation of Parking lot lights (Security/safety concerns) – the Board advised that it had investigated the cost of installed lights in the parking lots and it exceeded $80K per lot.  This type of project would exhaust all of the Association’s capital funds and the board would need to demand a special fund allocation from each home owner.  The Board understands the value of lights from a security/safety perspective, but did not desire to exhaust the Association’s capital funds nor burden homeowners with special fund allocation’s.   Several homeowners in attendance suggested that townhome owners turn on their front porch lights for several hours each evening.  This lighting should generate sufficient lighting for addressing the security/safety concerns.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35PM.


Sunburst Hills Property Owners, Association, Inc., Annual Meeting Minutes December 12, 2007

East Brunswick Public Library - 7:30pm

Members: Avi Reiss, Sam Murphy, Joram Freudenfels, Ronnie Wenz, Barbara Greenstein were present, along with representation from 15 homes.

The meeting began at 7:43pm with welcoming remarks by Avi Reiss who also outlined the Agenda for the evening.

Sam Murphy outlined the accomplishments and achievements since the last annual meeting. Sam then presented the issues to be addressed in the coming year – sprinklers, sewer repairs and upgrades and parking lot repairs and repaving.

Mr. Mayants of 7 Allison raised some questions re: the common ground sprinkler system that is connected to his home and the possibility of installing a rain sensor to shut down the system in the event of rain. He also mentioned some leakage. Sam Murphy told him to alert the Board to any system problems once the spring turn-on is scheduled and he is notified of same. Problems will be dealt with at that time and rain sensors are something to be considered for future upgrades. Sam also raised the topic of possibly upgrading the sprinkler system somewhere down the road to a central control using township water. Such an upgrade would cost in the area of $25,000+ and is part of long-term planning that is always being done with regard to areas overseen by the Association, i.e., parking lot maintenance and repairs, sewers, sprinklers, landscaping, etc.

Sam and Joram had planned to show a power-point presentation with regard to the parking situation and steps that have been taken and remain to be taken re: same. The electronic equipment loaned to us by the library would not cooperate and the presentation was shelved. Sam had some hard copies that were given out and said electronic copies were available to anyone requesting same via an e-mail to the Board.

Mr. Singh of 104 Buttonwood questioned the $4400 being quoted for new signage. Sam Murphy and Joram Freudenfels outlined what the expense covers (3 new signs plus installation) and Mr. Singh was satisfied with the answer to his inquiry.

The voting process was begun and Joram asked for two volunteers to open the absentee ballots that were received in the mail. Mike Zucker, 71 Buttonwood and Neeraj Singh, 104 Buttonwood, volunteered to open and tally up the votes. While the votes were being tallied, Mrs. Giller of #34 Allison raised a question re: whether or not insurance is mandatory on the part of homeowners. Should there be a fire in an adjacent structure, how do we guarantee a complete rebuild of same? Once a mortgage is paid off, the bank probably no longer requires insurance. Can by-laws be strengthened to mandate same? The subject will be visited while the Board continues its on-going project to revise and strengthen the by-laws as currently written. The owner of 129 Buttonwood asked if the integrity of the trees adjacent to his home has been checked out. The trees are situated on a slope that has seen considerable erosion over the years. Sam Murphy assured the homeowner that all steps have been taken to check out the trees and it is done a regular basis by the tree service under contract to the Association.

Mrs. Gordon of 30 Buttonwood raised a question about the feasibility of the Board petitioning the Township regarding changing Buttonwood Drive to a One-Way street. Sam and Joram advised that if the Board (Association) elected to pursue such activity, the Township Planning Board/ Zoning Board would expect it to be lawyer led which would potentially become an expensive process for the Association. Sam, Joram and Avi suggested that a less expensive alternative would be for individual homeowner to prepare a petition, collect adequate signature and submit their petition to the Township agencies as a collection of homeowners.

A homeowner and meeting attendee proposed moving the annual meeting to January. The goal of this proposal was to improve attendance. The proposal was put into a motion by Sam Murphy. Attendees voted in favor of moving the next annual meeting to January. Consequently, the next annual meeting will be conducted at a To Be Determined date in January, 2009.

The voting results were announced:

Board Members elected:    Sonia Giscome
Joram Freudenfels
Sam Murphy
Ronnie Wenz
Barbara Greenstein

2008 Budget approved 36 to 3

Asphalt Rejuvenation/Sealing Project approved 35 to 4

Sunburst Hills Property Owners Association Inc.
Annual Meeting Minutes December 12, 2005

Members Present:

Joram Freudenfels
Barbara Greenstein
Avi Reiss
Ronnie Wenz

Members Absent: Harvey Lubitz - personal circumstance

Nineteen homeowners were present and 43 proxies were in possession of the Board Members

The meeting commenced at 7:38 pm.

Opening Statements: by Joram Freudenfels

  • Joram Freudenfels verified a quorum and asked for nominations to the Board.
  • Avi Reiss stressed the need for new members to run for the Board, new faces with new ideas.
  • Avi Reiss stated that Sam Murphy was a candidate but was absent due to illness.
  • Ballots were distributed for the Board member's elections
  • Elizabeth Hamaoui from 21 Allison Drive related that her past terms as a Board member were interesting and resulted in meeting many new homeowners. It gave her an appreciation for the work done by the Board.


  • Floor was opened for questions to any board members running for office and to nominations from the floor.
  • With no nominations and no further questions a vote was taken
  • The results were a unanimous vote for re-election of the current Board and likewise for the election of Sam Murphy as a new Board member.
  • Two “apprentice” board members volunteered and were accepted by the new Board.
    They are:
    • Dena Zucker of 71 Buttonwood Drive
    • Sonia Giscombe of 28 Buttonwood Drive.

Their roles and functions will be defined in the very near future.


  • Joram Freudenfels, Treasurer, reported on the new budget and reviewed expenses.
  • The homeowners voted in favor of the 2006 Budget. There was no opposition and the Budget was passed.
  • Avi Reiss addressed the purpose of a reserve account which will cover future expenses for;
    • Repairs of retaining walls
    • Resurfacing of parking lots
    • Repairs to curbs and sidewalks.
  • Joram Freudenfels reviewed aspects of the Engineering Study, which was conducted this past summer, to further clarify the need for the reserve account.
  • The Engineering Study is available for review by homeowners.
  • Homeowners were informed that an increase in dues would be coming in second quarter of 2006. This increase is required in order to increase the reserve requirements that are needed to cover anticipated future repairs ( see above).
  • An official notice will be issued to all homeowners once the Board determines the new dues.

Questions from the floor:

  1. Ted Denberg of 106 Buttonwood Drive asked about extending fence on River Road.

Joram responded that the fence is the homeowner's responsibility not Association's and suggested that group rates may be possible if enough owners are interested.

  1. Saroj Bhol of 121 Buttonwood Drive questioned drainage in parking lot due to ice buildup from sump pump runoff from 115 Buttonwood Drive. Homeowner suggested that resurfacing of the asphalt may be needed to eliminate pooling of water.

The Board will need to inspect and decide on a possible solution.

  1. Betty Ruff of 103 Buttonwood Drive raised a question regarding additional lighting in parking areas. There is at present only one lighting fixture on the island adjacent to the lot.

It was suggested that trimming of some trees might alleviate the lighting problem.

The possibility of assigning one parking space to each residence for use by late-returning residents was raised.

Board to discuss this at a future meeting

  1. Elizabeth Hamaoui 21 Allison asked for an extension of the sidewalk from 37 Allison Drive to the existing sidewalk belonging to the home on corner of Sunburst and Evana. She stated that winter weather makes walking down Sunburst Drive to Bingham Way bus stop difficult and dangerous to the school children using the school buses.

The Board members present agreed on installing the sidewalk. A vote was taken by a show of hands.

Vote was unanimous. Solicitation of bids from masons was approved to effect the change. Funds will be used from capital improvements. Elizabeth Hamaoui volunteered to supervise and take responsibility to ensure that the sidewalk extending beyond the associations to Evana is cleaned, shoveled and maintained. Elizabeth will make sure the homeowner cleans it as required by township law. Board will follow up on that with the homeowner.

Closing statements:

Avi Reiss repeated a request to townhouse residents to use more common sense in placement and cleanup of trashcans and recycle containers.

Fines will be levied against those residents who put out inappropriate items as well as putting containers, garbage and recycling out too early for pickup, no earlier than 6:00 pm night before scheduled pickup. Likewise fines will be levied against homeowners who leave their containers out too long after pickup.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm.


Sunburst Hills Property Owners Association Inc.
Annual Meeting December 4, 2004

Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m.

Executive Board Present:
Avi Reiss-Vice President
Joram Freudenfels-Treasurer
Barbara Greenstein-Secretary
Ronnie Wenz-5th Member
David Hutt-Attorney for the Board
Absent: Harvey Lubitz-President

Avi Reiss read the opening remarks as prepared by Harvey Lubitz who could not be here tonight due to work commitment.

Joram Freudenfels reviewed the 2005 Budget to the membership.
He reported the following:
There is $118,227.35 in the total funds of which $91,190.25 is our reserve fund held at Morgan Stanley in safe investments.
Our operating funds are $21,118.00. Outstanding dues are $2,195.00.
After 60 days late notices are mailed and after 90 days fines are charged.
Mr. Feldman, the association’s accountant believes that a dues increase is needed in 2006 to keep the reserve going based on the Capital Reserve Analysis*.
The last big expenditure from the reserve fund was for the repairs of the retaining wall on Allison Drive, 8-10 years ago at a cost of $45,000.00

*Falcon Engineering contracted by the Board to conduct a Capital Reserve Analysis. This report shows the remaining years of the retaining walls, swales, sidewalks and parking lots before repairs need to be made. The engineers report states that there is approx 7 years left on the parking lots before they need an overhaul.
Sprinkler system will need regular maintenance and repairs as problems develop over the coming season due to age.

Questions on Budget:

Q: One of the members questioned the line Comprehensive Insurance.
A: We must carry officers insurance, which costs around $1500.00 annually.

Q: Mr. Luk stated that he would like a copy of last years Audit
A: From Joram – All you have to do is ask and we will give it to you. The Association will not just hand it out

Q: From Mrs. Luk regarding landscaping. Complaining about a tree behind 126B that appeared to be in danger of falling and was afraid of it hitting a structure.
A: From Joram – The board accepts this as complaint we will look at it and report it to our tree service come out and look at it.

Q: From Ira Schlusselfeld asking the board to confirm that this was the first time that the board is hearing about the tree.
A: From Joram- It is the first time the board is hearing about it.

Comment from the floor: Ira Schlusselfeld “ If it was such a danger why didn't you contact the association as soon as it was discovered”.

Q: From Mr. & Mrs. Luk regarding the line for landscaping. Wanting to know the breakdown of the costs associated with the multiple services being provided.(Mr. Luk want to know why so much money is being spent on landscaping).
A: From Joram – We were unhappy with the present landscapers job performance this year. New bids were sent out to find a new landscaper. It was decided to combine chemical treatments, lawn services and snow removal with one vendor. We considered five (5) bids and voted that Nik's Landscaping would provide the best service for the money.

Q: From Mr. Luk questioning the possibility of taking money from various budget items to put towards additional parking.
A: From Joram - A project of this magnitude would require either a large increase in dues or a one time special assessment.

Joram – We would like to vote on the budget. We are 5 people short to pass the budget. The absentee ballots will stand. We will spend another 47.00 on the mailing and we will operate on the 2004 budgets, which was approved and passed last year.

Q: From A. Benamu asking for assigned parking in the town homes.
A: Mr. Hutt answered that in certain Condominiums you are assigned your spot when you purchase the unit. The Greens does not have this. Yes you can amend the by laws but it probably take approval of over 75% of the homes. You cannot even get 25% to pass the budget so it would be highly unlikely that assigned parking would be approved.

Joram brought out the point that the enforcement of parking violations would be very difficult. The police department will not enforce parking violations in our parking lots, as they are private property.

The parking situation is compounded by the fact that families have grown since they first moved in and more cars are a part of that growth.

This is a PURD (Planned Urban Residential Development), in which a certain amount of land has to be kept green. It would take $20,000.00 just to do a study to see if we can convert any common land into additional parking spaces.

Mr. & Mrs. Luk brought to the meeting a copy of the development, mapping out parking spaces. This map contained incorrect information. Both Allison Drive and Buttonwood Dr can only have parking on one side of the street. The streets are not wide enough to get fire engines through in case of emergency.
Mr. Sadarmakan was also concerned about the parking situation and also added that these garages are not wide or long enough for certain vehicles.

Mr. & Mrs. Luk were unable to explain the assumptions made on the map with regard to the number of parking spaces being shown. The person who prepared this map was not at this meeting. The Luks identified this person as Isaac Menda at 105 Buttowood Drive.

Mr. Murphy questioned how the numbers were arrived at and Mrs. Luk could not explain the method used.

Joram stated that this map does not show how many cars there are, vs. number of spots available.

Joram suggested that Mr. & Mrs. Luk along with Isaac Menda head the Parking committee in order to research the need for additional parking spaces and requested that their presentation be available for the semi annual meeting, Summer 2005. This motioned was presented to the board by Joram Freudenfels and seconded by Avi Reiss.

The fences on the back across River Road belong to the homeowners. If they need to be replaced it is the homeowners responsibility. The replacement fence has to be a board on board fence. Joram also explained that when the developer put up the fence 25 years ago the homeowners that backed Sunburst Drive declined fences. Fence guidelines are set by the Township and not by this Association


Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.



Meeting called to order at 7:45 p.m.

Board Members Present: Dave Norland Pres, Joram Freudenfels Treasurer, Avi Reiss Secretary, Barbara Greenstein 5th member, Sam Davis Attorney

Introduction of Board members and Sam Davis Attorney

    Treasures Report & Presentation of Budget
    Vote on Budget
    Introduction of the new candidates for office & nominations from the floor
    Organize Committees
    Open Discussion & Questions

Proposed 2004 Budget was given out to all Homeowners in Attendance

Budget- Joram read the proposed budget.
The Homeowners were also told that our books are audited each year by the accounting firm of Feldman Sablosky Massoni & Company.

Questions and concerns from the floor concerning budget were:
-Turf Restoration- common ground for yearly maintenance.
-Sprinkler maintenance & water - for homeowners who are hooked up to water common grounds from their water. We read the meter before turning it on & off to pay the homeowners.
-We had no dues increase in 18 years
- Concern to add into budget a sidewalk from Allison Dr to Evana, children need to get to their bus stop safely.
Sidewalk is from lower end of Allison (no need for common area between the 2 Allison driveways. Kids can walk around on the sidewalk)
Some Homeowners want to see the actual audit from previous year. Joram informed them to contact him via email on Association website or drop him a note. He will send it to them.

Vote to be taken on the budget.
Vote passed unanimously no oppositions.

Introduction of candidates: Dave Norland, Joram Freudenfels, Avi Reiss, & Barbara Greenstein running again.

New Candidates Overview:

Marina Urdaneta - Living at the Greens for 18 years with her husband and two older children. Interested in seeing an improvement with garbage, landscaping, parking, speed & communication

Harvey Lubitz - Living in the Greens for 15 years with wife and 3 children ages 5, 7 & 10. "Good community. This is a board that works hard for all of us. He wants to stay in the community."

Jenna Luk - Living in the greens for 3 months with her husband and child. She stated that her issues were street lights- too dark want for security. Retaining walls- why certain family have them others do not. Fence issue - small children to close to main street. Windows - update the by-laws.

Questions from the floor to all the candidates by Ira Schlusselfeld: "If you get elected will you be able to support and obey the current by-laws?"

All Candidates Answered: "Yes"

Stephanie Ma - residing at 86 Buttonwood, had questions about the validity of the proxy's. This was addressed by the Boards attorney Sam Davis. If there was a specific proxy in question then we can solve that issue. Questioning all the proxy's will be a waste of time.

Another question to Sam Davis was the voting for specific positions to the Board. Sam Davis responded that 5 candidates get elected to the Board and offices will be selected among those 5 winners.

Nominations then were taken from the floor. Stephanie Ma volunteered to run for a Board seat.

Motions to close nominations. Second by M. Hakim. Nominations closed

Votes for Board Member were taken. (Closed Ballots)

Votes were tallied by Barbara Greenstein 5th member, witnessed by Sam Davis Atty. Michael Zucker & Sanjeev Malhotra.

Results of the Election:
Dave Norland
Joram Freudenfels
Barbara Greenstein
Avi Reiss
Harvey Lubitz

Hopefully those who did not win will still help on a committee

Open Discussion & Questions:

Issues: Snow Removal- Last year we waited 5 days for snow removal Buttonwood Drive and Allison Drive are the Townships responsibility. Dave also spoke about the any snow emergency parking rule: No car can be on the street during a snow storm. Dave voiced his opposition at a town council meeting, citing that we only have 1 side street parking as it is. This would definitely be a hardship for our development.

Issue: - Parking at townhouses: How about assigned spaces? What did Windsong do? How did they get assigned spaces? We need volunteers to look into these issues and see what can be done.

Ira Schlusselfeld offered his help again on Sanitation. Ira has been going around the block nightly with a bag picking up garbage around the development.

Satellite Dishes concern from Allison Drive- Elizabeth Hamaoui They are unsightly suggest that we go back to the old rule of being on the ground. They should not be seen. One solution is to put them on the peak of the house so it is hard to see Sam Davis also commented for us that some dishes have to be positioned in a certain way to receive signals.

Lighting in parking lots and path on Buttonwood Resident form Buttonwood is requesting lights on path so people can walk at night, Low density lights in the parking lots would also be a help.

Priority to parking lot.

We need a light committee to look into this.

It was stated that we looked into the lighting issue a few years back. Under ground light very costly to the association. It could wipe out all our exiting funds.

Volunteers For Committees Ira Schlusselfeld 128, Stephanie Ma 86, Alvero Urdaneta 84, Dina Zucker 71, Rosella Ruggerio 130, Joe Forte 116, Jeanna Luk 126.

Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting
December 9th 2002
Dave Norland President
Paul Peterson Vice President
Joram Freudenfels Treasurer
Barbra Greenstein Fifth board member

Apologies: Avi Reiss - Secretary

The annual meeting was held on December 9th, 7PM at the East Brunswick Public Library in order to discuss and vote on the association's annual budget.
  • Meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM
  • A headcount was taken, including all proxies, to ensure that a quorum existed to affect a vote on the budget. Thirteen people attended and 28 proxies were submitted, constituting a quorum for the meeting.
  • A concern was raised regarding the snow removal on Buttonwood Street. A motion made to contact East Brunswick Public Works to rectify situation. It is understood the SHPOA pays for the snow removal of common areas, e.g. parking areas and sidewalks, , and township Public Works Dept is responsible for the streets. The Board will consider paying for additional snow removal and salting of the streets if hazardous conditions exist and the township does not correct the situation within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Judith Leblein had spoken to the Planning Board regarding the issue of the POW flag on the private fence at the entrance to Sunburst Drive (top of the hill, the flag is allowed)
  • Turf situation on common grounds: We have lost considerable amount of turf due to the recent drought conditions. It is planned to have the lost turf replaced with sod. There is currently an ongoing program for repairs of the sprinkler system. The system is operational.
  • Sidewalks along Sunburst Drive have been repaired in 2002 and this project has been completed.
  • The 2003 budget was approved by a unanimous vote.

Motion made to close meeting- Barbra Greenstein
Motion seconded- Paul Peterson